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Growing Number of Americans Falsely Believe President Obama is Muslim

August 19, 2010 8:11 AM

A new poll from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life indicates that the number of Americans who erroneously believe President Obama is a Muslim is growing.

In March 2009, the percentage was 11 percent. Today, it's 18 percent.

The percentage of those asserting that the president is a Christian -- which he is -- has gone down in that time, from 48% in March 2009 to 34% today.

A plurality of Americans -- 43% -- say they don't know what religion the president is.

During the campaign, Mr. Obama’s “Fight the Smears” website wrote: "Barack Obama is a committed Christian. He was sworn into the Senate on his family Bible. He has regularly attended church with his wife and daughters for years. But shameful, shadowy attackers have been lying about Barack’s religion, claiming he is a Muslim instead of a committed Christian. When people fabricate stories about someone’s faith to denigrate them politically, that’s an attack on people of all faiths. Make sure everyone you know is aware of this deception."

The poll indicates that groups who have shown the most willingness to believe the wrong assertion that the president is a Muslim include conservative Republicans -- 34% of whom believe the president is Muslim. Eighteen percent of independents say the president is a Muslim, up from 10% in March 2009.

But even among the president's allies, the numbers are shifting. In March 2009, 55% of Democrats said the president is a Christian, which he is. That number is now 46%. African-Americans, who voted for President Obama overwhelmingly, have also shown a similar shift. In March 2009, 36% of African-Americans said they didn't know the president's religion; that number is now 46%. Self-described liberal Democrats who don't know what religion the president is shifted from 23% to 31%.

Says Pew: "When asked how they learned about Obama’s religion in an open-ended question, 60% of those who say Obama is a Muslim cite the media. Among specific media sources, television (at 16%) is mentioned most frequently. About one-in-ten (11%) of those who say Obama is a Muslim say they learned of this through Obama’s own words and behavior."

In 2007, the falsehood that then-Sen. Obama was educated in a madrassa was aired on Fox & Friends, which repeated a report from Insight magazine claiming that a rival Democrat’s campaign was exploring his Muslim “background.” Mr. Obama’s father, Barack Obama Sr., was Muslim, though the president has described his father as secular.

The poll was taken between July 21 and August 5, before the controversy over the proposed Islamic Center to be built two blocks from Ground Zero.

- Jake Tapper

August 19, 2010 | Permalink | Share | User Comments (371)

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Personally, I could not care less what religious order(s) he belongs too.

The people's perception of him in ALL areas is based on what he does, not what he says.

He has proven himself to be the ultimate fence sitter. He & his adminstration have consistently shot their mouths off, only to have to come back and "re-evaluate", "explain" & my personal favorite - "clarify" what they meant to say. Thank god they have Joe "foot-in-the-mouth" Biden to back up the President!

Would Obama have said what he said last week if he had been at a meeting of some Jewish group? I'm not sure, I believe he so arrogant that he might just have done it.

Issue after issue after issue, He constantly positions himself opposite the majority of Americans. Can't imagine why the American public is scattered-brained over his "religion", most of us dont care one bit about that. We care about the horrific direction he and his circle of academic fools are taking this country.

Posted by: Mike_C | Aug 19, 2010 11:57:53 PM

rkm63 wrote:"If this issue is so irrelevant in the grand schemme of things, why are you leftists spending your valuable time doing damage control?"
rkm63 just hit the nail on the head... why indeed are they spending all this energy on damage control. They say you throw a rock into a pack of dogs and the one that gets hit will always yelp. The lefties have gone beyond yelping and are now screaming!

Posted by: gk | Aug 19, 2010 9:47:30 PM

Teddy | Aug 19, 2010 2:44:19 PM posted: “He ignores Prayer Day but holds a Ramadan celebration in the WH.”

What gave you the idea that President Obama “ignores Prayer Day”? Step out of the Conservative Echo Chamber:

Back in October 2008, the “Freedom from Religion Foundation” sued to challenge our federal law designating a National Day of Prayer.

In 2009 The Obama administration asked a U.S. District Judge to DISMISS the case. The Obama administration stood by the National Day of Prayer, arguing there was no legal standing for the lawsuit since the tradition of the National Day of Prayer dated back to 1775.

Even so, the lawsuit was allowed to proceed and in 2010 the National Day of Prayer was ruled Unconstitutional as it is "an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function."

Again, under the direction of the Obama administration, the US Justice Department is in the process of an appeal. And, regardless of its legal status, President Obama recognized the National Day of Prayer in 2010 with a public proclamation.

Posted by: green.goddess | Aug 19, 2010 4:58:48 PM

President Obama is a Christian. People need to stop this issue. Ridiculous rumor that has been nutured for political gains!! People wake up - read - facts are facts. President Obama is a Christain. Absolutely Ridiculous!!!

Posted by: Sharon | Aug 19, 2010 4:54:13 PM

...too little business acumen..to be considered a card carrying muslim..

Posted by: Dontget818 | Aug 19, 2010 4:11:32 PM

You shouldn't have to "prove" your faith to anyone, thats just stupid.

Only the most narrow-minded bigots base political decisions on someones religion.

The press continues to cater to the most narrow minded bigots.

What's their percentage in it?

Posted by: Flash Override | Aug 19, 2010 4:01:01 PM

If you believe that someone is a Muslim and don't want to vote for them, that's fine. If you don't want to vote for someone because you think they are a Christian, a secular humanist, an atheist and on and on, that's fine, too.

Each person who runs for office should say what they are - Hindu, Christian, Muslim, atheist, secular humanist - whatever. They should all be honest about it, and if need be, prove that they are telling the truth, as politicians (be they Dem or Repub) don't exactly have a stellar reputation for always telling the truth.

Then let the chips fall where they may.

That is true transparency. Americans will appreciate that.

Posted by: Ray | Aug 19, 2010 3:57:12 PM

Only his minister, Rev. Wright, knows for certain.

Posted by: Dontget818 | Aug 19, 2010 3:51:29 PM

It doesn't matter what religion he is. THIS IS AMERICA.....FREEDOM OF RELIGION! I'm a proud ATHEIST and I'll vote for a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian,etc as long as they share my values on most things.

Posted by: Irma | Aug 19, 2010 3:19:56 PM

No amount of spin is going to walk this back. Obama gives no indication that he's a christian. But he sure does let everyone know he's chummy with the muslims. He ignores Prayer Day but holds a Ramadan celebration in the WH. Hmmmmm

The sheepskin has been ripped off the back of Obama, the wolf.

Posted by: Teddy | Aug 19, 2010 2:44:19 PM

I feel Obama has brought a lot of this on himself...going to Egypt last year and calling America a Muslim nation...putting America down in Islamic countries....reaching out to Muslims last week. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...its a DUCK!

Posted by: David from Texas | Aug 19, 2010 2:38:19 PM

CND....LOL! Always with the psuedo intellectual put downs. What's up with you?

Posted by: newcountryman | Aug 19, 2010 2:34:49 PM

Shoe | Aug 19, 2010 2:17:54 PM posted: “no one knows who he is or what he stands for.”

I’d say one my biggest disappointments in this administration is weak communications to the press and public. But, I also know Obama took office in the face of a crisis that was almost unprecedented in scope, so bigger things were on his plate.

However, imo, the press is also to blame. I just learned this morning from the NYT that since taking office Obama has given 6 speeches either from a church pulpit or addressing religion in public life — including an Easter prayer breakfast where he offered a very personal and candid reflection of what the Resurrection means to him.

The article goes on to say the President prays daily, sometimes in person or over the telephone with a small circle of Christian pastors. One of them is Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell who was also a spiritual adviser to President GW Bush. Rev Kirbyjon said, “Never in the history of modern-day presidential politics has a president confessed his faith in the Lord, and folks basically call him a liar.”

Critical Americans who claim to be Christians – a religion that preaches charity, humility, forgiveness, and kindness - should look inward before sniping about another person's faith.

Posted by: green.goddess | Aug 19, 2010 2:34:15 PM

For all the people who are asking whether Obama has been to church since 2008, I am questioning where you've been since 2008. If you read the newspaper, you'd know that he's been to church since 2008. Don't regurgitate ignorance you've learned from someone else because then it becomes painfully obvious that you don't think for yourself. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! It's amazing that people are still spewing ignorance as if it were fact and they expect to be taken seriously (i.e., that Obama was born in Kenya).

I love the "post-racial" country I live in. Nobody would care if the president weren't black and had a name that didn't sound different. So, instead of acting like intellectuals who actually care about the welfare of our country, the conversation that appeals to the most vile instincts in our society gets elevated like it deserves to be news. Electing the president was a chance to move forward, instead it has led to a freak show and has allowed our country to show its "true colors". I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed that we haven't matured beyond name calling and stereotyping.

Posted by: dcjoe | Aug 19, 2010 2:30:28 PM

He BELIEVES in CHANGE. So he belongs to the CHANGE religion.

Posted by: Bush | Aug 19, 2010 2:22:10 PM

This calls for a "Pork" test.

Posted by: Bush | Aug 19, 2010 2:20:41 PM

This is what happens when the public votes for a president based on his political party, color, race, age, sex, looks, and "charisma" without knowing much else about him.

Let's face it, this last election was more like an American Idol contest. Liberals wanted him because he is a Democrat. African Americans wanted him because he is black (actually, mixed race). The college crowd wanted him because he was young and "cool". Sexist people wanted him because they didn't think a woman could handle being president. Pictures and comparisons to JFK abounded as Obama's face and body were splashed all over the TV, magazine covers, internet sites, etc. And, boy, could he talk a smooth talk. But who was he? What was his resume like? How much experience did he really have? The answer... no one really knew, and no one really cared. He was a rock star, and he was going to be president of the US!

Now, here we are 1-1/2 years later, and the divide is growing bigger by the day. Why? Because no one knows who he is or what he stands for. The man who claimed he could "bring the country together" has turned out to be the man to rip us apart even further. Meanwhile, he's off to Martha's Vineyard. But, hey, he IS a smooth talker and he's sooo cute!!

Posted by: Shoe | Aug 19, 2010 2:17:54 PM

CND FOX - Nope. Personally I don't think the republicans started this story (I'm an independent - I don't support either party). My guess is that the democrats started initiated this poll. But regardless of what I think, the media should be asking, who is behind this poll and why did they conduct it now? That they are not asking those questions should make anyone suspicious.

Posted by: Edit | Aug 19, 2010 2:02:54 PM

You want to act Stupid well then
be Stupid. Bush was a disaster
but you don't seem to care about
all the evil he did!
Go away when you grow up and have
something intelligient to say.
I have nothing more to say to these
haters on this sight.

Bless Our Troops!!

Posted by: Sharon | Aug 19, 2010 1:59:05 PM

Hopefully he isn't Christian or Muslim or any other religion. We do not need witch doctors and magic hand waving. We need adults who do not believe that they have a special invisible friend who lives in the sky.

Posted by: Rational Thinker | Aug 19, 2010 1:56:50 PM

Rahm, this is a crisis you don't want to miss.

Posted by: Bush | Aug 19, 2010 1:56:12 PM

I do believe the Republicans and the
Tea Parties on here are without
words. You gave us a Liar and a
Murdereous President didn't seem to
bother you about what Bush was.
But this stupid little petty thing
bothers you this is why half the country
is NUTS!
You have us a President who should be
sitting in Prison!!

Posted by: Sharon | Aug 19, 2010 1:55:24 PM

According to Time Magazine it's actually 1 out of 4. Time also revealed that more than 70% concur with the premise that proceeding with the plan would be an insult to the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Meanwhile Nancy - Bela - Lugosi wants to investigate anybody who opposes the mosque. Pelosi and Obama may have just sealed their own defeat in November.

Posted by: EPU | Aug 19, 2010 1:51:58 PM

Edit...your 1:15 post..."../the Democrats want us to waste time discussing this issue..."???LOL...LOl You don't think the "leaderless, vision less, cynical Republicans don't have ANYTHING to do with this "discussion"?...LOL...LOL...Especially since they are trying to 'fire up' their "dumbed down base" and since they have no solutions on the "real issues" confronting us all to talk about?...LOL...LOl

Posted by: CND FOX | Aug 19, 2010 1:49:02 PM

Didn't seem to care what Bush was
He was a Murderer, Liar, Tortured
People, I guess none of this matters
when you are a Republican or a
Tea Party Nut

I'd rather have a Muslim for a President
than a murderer and liar!

God Bless Our Troops!!

Posted by: Sharon | Aug 19, 2010 1:47:17 PM

Why did they feel it necessary to conduct this poll? Why conduct it? And how can a poll which surveys what people think Obama's faith to be said to be "false?" How can anyone say that it is false to say that Obama is a Muslim?

I personally don't believe that Obama is a Muslim, but I don't believe that he is a Christian, either. I have no idea what or whom he believes in.

In a 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani of the Chicago Sun times, Obama said that he is a Christian and that he believed that there are many paths to the same place, many paths to God. When Falsani asked Obama how he could reconcile that belief with Jesus words about Himself "I am the Way, the truth, the life. No man comes unto the Father but by Me," Obama replied that it all depends on how you interpret Jesus words.

Anyone can choose whether or not they believe Jesus words about Himself, but there is no other way to interpret Jesus words about Himself: you either believe that He is the only Way, Way of salvation, and path to God - or you don't.

A Christian is a follower of Jesus, who said that He is "the Way."

Jesus did not say that he was "a Way," or "one of many Paths," or "a Path," but that "I am the Way."

Hence, why I don't see how Obama can be a Christian.

Please don't divert what I have posted here and make this a discussion about whether or not this disqualifies Obama from being president, as that is not what this post is about. Since the White House has issued a reply to the poll and has said that Obama is a Christian, then that necessitates this post.

Posted by: Ray | Aug 19, 2010 1:41:48 PM

Barry --- Hey, since you chimed in at 1:27.... please tell us.... are you Christian, Muslim or a Rastafarian??

Posted by: TheLoyalOpposition | Aug 19, 2010 1:40:49 PM

Religion kills more people than any other single thing in this world. In this day and age of scientific discovery do you really beleive that when you die you will be issued a set of Angel wings or that by killing yourself and the "infidels" will get you 72 virgins in paradise. Religion was created to explain the how did we get here question. Science has a far better explanation than an all powerful being creating us. Religion needs to stay out of government and become more tolerant of the other guys beliefs.

Posted by: NOReligion | Aug 19, 2010 1:40:15 PM

I was going to predict Rastafarianism!

Posted by: TheLoyalOpposition | Aug 19, 2010 1:38:09 PM

This topic is a great example as to how extremist organizatons such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban can so consistently bring in new recruits...the world is full of naive, uneducated, and easily swayed human beings. Whether for islam in Pakistan or christianity in the United States, the extremists of the world will never run out of idiots to help fuel their cause.

Anyone who believes Obama SUPPORTS the building of a mosque at ground zero, sadly falls into this category. If they bothered to listen to Obama's actual quote (a 2 second google search by the way), rather than simply believe what others tell them, they would realize he said he supports "the right" for it to be there but questioned "the wisdom" of placing a mosque in such a sensitive location.

Every elected legislative official must take an oathe to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. If Obama had said he would fight to prevent the building of a place of worship, regardless of the religion, he would thus betray the rights contained within the Constitution.

You're free to hate this president. Hell, I'm not even all too crazy about his performance thus far. But if you choose to do so...hate him for his actions. Not just because some idiot told you to do so. Think for yourself. Don't just blindly follow the mass of other idiots.

Simple as that.

Posted by: Ryan | Aug 19, 2010 1:35:42 PM

Obama is a muslim, and ABC I recent the hell out you claiming people FALSELY BELIEVE he is. He was raised muslim, multiple witnesses of him attending a mosque repeatedly with his muslim step father, only supposedly joining the Rev. Wright Church of freaks to help his political career years after. Rev. Wright raised muslim himself, has said his church has christian and muslim members. Duh!!

Posted by: IndependentVoice | Aug 19, 2010 1:32:56 PM

Is the 18% that believe he is a Muslim comprise the same people that believe the earth is only 6,000 years old and are they the same folks that think he wasn't born in the U.S.?
If so, I think I see a pattern here...

Posted by: Lydia | Aug 19, 2010 1:30:22 PM

"I'm a bit curious why there are so many references to GOP, Sarah Palin and Fox News when this story has nothing to do with them."

I blame Bush...

Posted by: Barry | Aug 19, 2010 1:27:08 PM

Why do people care what Obama's religion is?

Why do people care what other people think/believe what Obama's religion is?

All we care is people's vote, it doesn't mat

Posted by: nooobody | Aug 19, 2010 1:26:05 PM

What is the KINGDOM of GOS ? posted by T Aug 19, 2010 12:14:04 PM

The Kingdom of Gos is a mythical land in which all of the traffic lights are green. No matter from what direction you approach, you will never be bothered by a red traffic light nor a "STOP" sign. There are no traffic jams because everyone gets the green light at the same time. Somehow (and this is the truly wonderful thing about the Kingdom of Gos, no two vehicles nor persons arrive at the same intersection at the same time. So there are truly no accidents. You will never find, in this kingdom by the sea, a "get out of jail free" card...since EVERYONE gets to pass "GO" and collect $200. I find it hard to believe that in this day and age, there is a single person, like you, T, that did not know what the Kingdom of Gos is. See you there. Wave as you GO by.

Posted by: ncpilot09 | Aug 19, 2010 1:23:43 PM

If this issue is so irrelevant in the grand schemme of things, why are you leftists spending your valuable time doing damage control? And when's the last time this president defended christians?

Posted by: rkm63 | Aug 19, 2010 1:16:34 PM

I'm a bit curious why there are so many references to GOP, Sarah Palin and Fox News when this story has nothing to do with them. They didn't initiate this poll ... most likely the democrats did. The poll also focused on democrats who believe the president is a Muslim. Last I checked, most democrats weren't huge GOP, Fox News or Sarah Palin supporters. Just goes to show that most people on here spout off whatever they think regardless of how ignorant they sound. What we should all be asking is why the democrats ran this poll at this point in time. Democrats have the white house and the majority in the house and the senate ... this is their golden era. The real story here isn't whether Obama is a muslim, the real story is why the democrats want us to waste our time discussing it.

Posted by: Edit | Aug 19, 2010 1:15:48 PM

He is a closet Muslim who wants "don't ask don't tell" for any of his personal life! Come out of the closet Mr President!

Posted by: tillyerkt | Aug 19, 2010 1:09:31 PM

I know what church (es) he attended way back when no one knew him....and it sure in the hell wasn't a Mosque. Get over yourselves, and by the way, the percentage that still believes he is a Muslim was at John McCain and Regligion/Race Baiter Sarah Palin's "rallies". So what do you expect.

Posted by: sara | Aug 19, 2010 1:06:59 PM

And what does that mean? Do you know?

Posted by: sara | Aug 19, 2010 1:02:37 PM

20% believe Obama is Muslim, that means 80% OF America is stupid or blind as a stone. No religious functions of any kind in D.C. UNTIL Ramadan then we have a White House gala supper an celebration. You folks that elected him or crazy. I am a Democrat and you are still stupid!!

Posted by: claude | Aug 19, 2010 1:02:36 PM

People believe Obama may be Muslim based on the theory of " If it quacks like a duck---". Can't be proved, but that wasn't the question asked.

Posted by: happyflier | Aug 19, 2010 1:00:23 PM

Yes ABC, the rate of having a DUMB country has increased over the past 2 Decades.
Why do you think the Republicans has Bought and Paid for an ENTIRE TV channel? Yep, the President had an African father who more than likely practice the Muslim faith, BUT HE ALSO WAS HAD BY A SOUTHERN WHITE WOMAN, WHO WAS Also Likely to have been a Southern BAPTIST. Who the freak cares what the idiots that watches Faux "News" propaganda machine? Besides, the Ground work for this FALSEHOOD based on he "isn't like us...color, style etc., was LAID by the MCCAIN and RACE/Ethnic Group RACE-BAITER SARAH Palin during the election. And as a CHRISTIAN, THERE'S NOTHING "CHRISTIAN-like" WITH NOTHING IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. As far as I'm concerned they're ANGRY and Hateful, and if you're a Christian, and God-like, those two Detrimental Emotions are replaced by God-Like emotions of love and understanding, morals and principals, unjudgementalism. So those that questions what Faith the President SAID he is...maybe need to start with themselves.

Posted by: sara | Aug 19, 2010 1:00:22 PM

First Lady Oprah should know better - Kimmel

Posted by: Bush | Aug 19, 2010 12:57:18 PM

I predict a photo-op in a church in the near future! LOL!

Posted by: TXmom | Aug 19, 2010 12:56:42 PM

A plurality of Americans -- 43% -- say they don't know what religion the president is. ----

Perhaps that's because he has not attended church since 2008, when he left Trinity Baptist Church, he did not attend the National Day of Prayer (the only president in history to skip this event) and he celebrated Raamaadan at a dinner last week. I'm not sayin' he's Muslim, but at this point, I wouldn't say he's Christian either. In fact, he doesn't seem to have any strong religious leanings at this point in his life.

Posted by: Next | Aug 19, 2010 12:52:36 PM

@ pauldia .... a "talking point" by any other name is still a "talking point"

Posted by: Cmazeo | Aug 19, 2010 12:52:05 PM

Lydia ---- Of course we vote for a candidate for many reasons... one of the least is religious affiliation..... However, you don't campaign as a Baptist when you are really a Catholic.... just as Obama should have admitted from the very beginning that he is running as a Socialist/Marxist and let the people decide whether that was OK with them!

Posted by: TheLoyalOpposition | Aug 19, 2010 12:50:34 PM

Why else would he support a mosque at Ground Zero?

What's next? A floating sushi restaurant next to the USS Arizona memorial, in the middle of Pearl Harbor? Obama the traitor needs to be dealt with.

Posted by: coakl | Aug 19, 2010 12:49:43 PM

Too many people "believe" anything that issues from the "impostor's" mouth; they haven't taken note of the fact that 95% of the time, he lies so convincingly! There was a live video, on the net, not very long ago; it was taken during obama's visit with the president of Egypt. In this video, for all the world to hear, obama proclaimed: "I am a muslim and I support the muslim agenda"! Those are words from the horse's mouth. If you were in doubt before, there should be no doubt, in your mind now! There is an islamic saying (don't know who authored it) "Once a muslim, always a muslim"! Why else would this treasonous usurper support a mosque at Ground Zero?? Said mosque would be, preferrably, placed in the Arizona desert or in Death Valley, where it belongs!

Posted by: June Gagnon | Aug 19, 2010 12:47:41 PM

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Obama SAYS he is a Christian. That is very different from being a Christian, since Muhammad instructed Muslims who lived amongst infidels to pretend that they were infidels, when by doing so they could advance the cause of Islamic conquest. This is a key hadith for Islamic jurisprudence:

Tabari VIII:23 “The Messenger and his Companions continued in the fear and distress that Allah has described in the Koran. Then Nu’aym came to the Prophet. ‘I ‘ve become a Muslim, but my tribe does not know of my Islam; so command me whatever you will.’ Muhammad said, ‘Make them abandon each other if you can so that they will leave us; for war is deception.’”

Consider the example of Obama's twin Raila Odinga who also calls himself a Christian (and ran for the Kenyan presidency on a platform of unspecified "hope"). Odinga admitted in 2007 to signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Muslim leaders that begins with a declaration that Odinga is actually a Muslim (that he "recognized Islam as the only true religion").

Obama's "Grandma Sarah" also lied about her religion, telling USA today that she was a Christian after having already told the New York Times that she was a devout Muslim. The explanation is simple: it is common knowledge amongst Muslims that they are supposed to tell any and every lie that is useful to the the cause of Islamic supremacism. This is their conception of RIGHT, and it becomes second nature to them, IF they are orthodox.

In this they are not unlike the JournoListers, who have corrupted news media with their systematic dishonesty. That systematic dishonesty is the reason that not a single mainstream news outlet reported it when Obama's close political ally, confidant, and fellow supposed "Christian" was outed by Kenya's Muslim leaders as a secret Islamofascist, secretly promising to impose Sharia law on Kenya. It would have sunk Obama's candidacy, so they lied.

Our Democrat-controlled media and the Islamofascists are birds of a feather on this point. Both are dishonest to the point of becoming instinctive liars. Obama is a leftist AND an Islamofascist, hence one of the most comfortable liars in the world.


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